Arundel Camera Club, Inc.

Arundel Camera Club, Inc.

Posts filed under: Programs

2020 Sept. 30: Brian Flynn – Can Photography Help Guide Us Through Chaos and Crisis?

Out very own Brian Flynn, will be giving a talk next week. If you don’t know Brian, he is a former Rear Admiral/Assistant Surgeon General with the US Public Health Service. His professional career has been spent dealing with the... Read More

2020 Sep. 16: Program – Why I use Adobe Bridge

Join the Arundel Camera Club on September 16 at 7 pm for a program by our very own Richard Stolarski on Why I Use Adobe Bridge. The program will be live streamed to our Facebook page and a direct link... Read More

August Photo Assignment – Picnics/BBQ’s/Cookouts

Picnics/BBQ’s/Cookouts  – The photo can be anything having to do with a picnic/BBQ/Cookout! Get creative! You can photograph food, people, settings, fire pits….anything that reminds you of a picnic/BBQ/Cookout!  Please have up to 3 images submitted to by noon on... Read More

2020 Aug. 18: Astrophotography

  Join the Arundel Camera Club Wednesday August 19 at 7 pm on our Facebook Page livestream for a recap program on our July field trip to Spruce Knob Lake. We will be sharing images, tales of what we did,... Read More

FaceBook Stream : Content-Aware Fill by Mike Thomas

On Wednesday 22 July at 7:00PM Mike Thomas will demonstrate some common uses of Content-Aware Fill. Content-Aware Fill takes most of the work out of cloning out distractions in an image without having to re-sample over and over with the... Read More

2020 July 15: LightRoom Classic Basics with Paul Wilcox

Club member Paul Wilcox will review LightRoom Classic basics, by walking through the two scenarios he most commonly uses LightRoom for: Organizing my personal photo archive. Making simple photo edits in preparation for online posting and club contests. Meeting will... Read More

2019 Apr. 17: Cyanotype Night by Christine Milleker

Local alternative process photographer and instructor Christine Milleker will be bringing the historic 1842 Cyanotype process to the Arundel Camera Club on Wednesday April 17, 2019 from 7pm to 9pm which meets at the Severna Park High School in Severna... Read More