July’s Photo Assignment has been modified to actually include SOAP! – Soap Bubbles and/or Soap! Everyone is keeping extra clean these days, so let’s see how creative you get with your soap! You have hand soap, bath soap, bath bombs, dish soap, bar soap, even car wash soap! Let’s make some “clean” photos! Get it?….Soap….Clean….LOL Share what you come up with on our Facebook page and send up to 3 images to programs@arundelcameraclub.org by noon on Tuesday, July 28th.
There will be a photo assignment talk at 7pm on July 29th here on Facebook page. Please make sure you describe in your submissions how you took your photo.
Mine Below is “Irish Spring Suds” – Placed water in a bowl, used dawn dish soap for bubbles, added the bar of soap – shot outside in natural sunlight. Brought in and processed in black and white.

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s creativity! I’ve seen some already and I appreciate you sending them to me to look at! It’s fun seeing how everyone takes the assignments and goes in different directions!
Happy Shooting!
Michelle Barkdoll
Field Trips Chair / Media Team