Please join the Arundel Camera Club at 7pm on February 20th in person at the Severna Park Baptist Church or on FaceBook Live for a program by Ryan Maurer on “Cave Photography”. Ryan most recently he gave an excellent talk about his quest to photograph a volcano and the resulting epic adventure in Iceland.
Having previously presented on cave photography, he returns to discuss the mechanics of this photographic niche in more detail. In anticipation of a cave photography workshop held in central Pennsylvania sometime in 2025 (date pending!) we will discuss how gear is transported in caves and other rough environments, the balancing of lights in high contrast environments, and the logistics and infrastructure available for the workshop.
Ryan is a photographer and naturalist from southwest Pennsylvania. For the last ten years he has focused on photographing caves throughout the United States and bringing the stories of the underground world to light. He graduated from West Virginia University with degrees in Aerospace and Mechanical engineering and works as a software developer for Mindera Software. He also works as a professional photographer and writer. Previously he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy.
You can find out more about Ryan from his website