Please join us on Thursday 7 March at 7:00PM at the Severna Park Baptist Church or on FaceBook Live for a program on Night Photography by Cheryl Kerr. Cheryl is an accomplished nature, landscape, and night photographer.
An introduction to Night Photography that includes the various, generally recognized major themes of the Night Photography genre; Landscape, Astrophotography, Streetscape/Cityscape, (Portraits) and Light Painting. It includes general or basic information necessary to begin photographing in the night for beginners through
advanced skill sets and includes a brief list of technical information necessary to select the correct settings based on Time, Aperture and ISO (light sensitivity) to take a successful night image. I also include a list of computer processing programs used to process an image, and review techniques used to create complex images, tools needed to create various types of night photography images and resources for additional learning. I plan to have photography equipment set up in the meeting room for a simple tripod setup and a tracker setup to help visualize various methods used to create Astro, City/Streetscape and Light Painting images. I will also bring light painting tools so people can see what they look like and how easy they can be to make.