Join us on 19 January at 7PM for a program from Harry Crosland on Cosplay Photography.
Harry has been into photography for as long as he could grasp a camera. He considers himself to be someone who shoots what my eye sees. He has traveled a bit and has been blessed to be in the right places at the right times.
His subjects range from doing portraits, to sporting events and even crazy concepts such as toys and cosplay, so if it’s shootable, he is here for it!
In the past 10 years he has had his work published in Men’s Health magazine, Star Wars Insider, and Cosplay Realm magazine. He has had his work featured at the Reginald Lewis Museum in Baltimore, MD. Also, he has done various panels in the US regarding cosplay and photography. One of his most recent accomplishments was organizing a Cosplay Showcase at the Baltimore Comic Con in October of this year.
You can see some of Harry’s work including publications and museum exhibit at