Our next competition will be thisWednesday, 27 March 2019. We will have our digital contests. You may enter three digital images.

The theme this month is Low-Key or Hi-Key. Click here to see an Adobe Spark presentation on High-Key / Low-Key.


A high key image mostly consists of highlights and mid-tones, is generally bright and even, and delicately toned, often with pastel and/or white shades. Click here for examples of High-Key.


A photograph that comprises predominantly of dark or monotone colors. Click here for examples of Low-Key.

Competition rules, which include how to prepare your entries are posted on our website http://arundelcameraclub.org/rules-summary/

  • Digital –
    • Email your digital entries in by Tuesday, at noon. Remember that the email address to send your digital entries to is contests@arundelcameraclub.org.
    • Send your images as email attachments. Mac users need to put their images in a zip file and attach the zip file to the email.
    • Resize your images to 1024 pixels on the long side (1024 x ??? or ??? x 1024) and 72 DPI.
    • Files should be named according to the following convention:
      • A class identifier, ‘n’ for novice or ‘u’ for unlimited, should prepend the file name and be followed by an underscore.
      • The image name should appear next. For multi-word titles, it is helpful to either capitalize the first letter of each word or separate each word with an underscore. Although most mechanisms of uploading/transferring/emailing files handle spaces in titles, this is not universal. If you have problems sending files with space-separated titles, try the methods mentioned above instead.
      • An underscore and the owner’s first and last initials should follow the title.
      • Finally, make sure the file extension (.jpg) exists.
      • Examples: Here are file name samples using the above convention:
        • u_BridgeOnTheRiverKwai_cb.jpg
        • u_bridge_on_the_river_kwai_cb.jpg
        • n_thistitleisveryhardtoread_cb.jpg
        • n_some have trouble with this_cb.jpg
    • We will send you an email to confirm we have received your images and that they are named and sized appropriately. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact the contest chairman at contests@arundelcameraclub.org.
    • If all else fails, you may bring your images to the meeting on a USB drive, but we may not be able to put them into the contest.