Our next competition will be this Wednesday, January 28, 2015. We will have our Color Print and Monochrome Print competitions. You may enter three images in each. The theme this month is OPEN, so anything goes.

Competition rules, which include how to prepare your digital and print entries are also posted on our website at http://arundelcameraclub.org/rules-summary/

  • Color and Monochrome Prints – Prints must be matted. The print and mat assembly may not exceed 16”x 20” in size. The contestant’s name, picture title, category, class, and contest date (month/year) must appear on the back of each print. Please, also include an arrow to indicate orientation of the print.

We meet at Severna Park High School. If the school is closed due to snow, meetings will be cancelled. You can check the Anne Arundel County Public School website for weather related closures. We will post meeting cancellations to our website and attempt to send out emails to club members. Unfortunately we have been experiencing significant delays lately when sending out club emails.