Update on my correspondence with AACo public Schools and AACo Parks and Rec and how it impacts upcoming meetings.
First and foremost, access to indoor and outdoor facilities at both schools and parks has been revoked until further notice, and specifically at least through March 27th. So at the **very least** there will not be a physical meeting on either March 18th or March 25th.
Secondly, we were never given a room reservation for April 8th. That date was blacked out due to Easter/Spring break when Chip signed up through Parks and Recreation in November. Chip received email from AACo public schools last night indicating that students will now have school on April 9th, 10th, and 13th. And while facilities should be available that week, Chip checked with Parks and Rec this morning and they are not approving any new reservations at this time. So we should plan on not having a physical meeting on April 8th.
As to the idea of physically meeting socially, the official position of the club should be to discourage doing so at this time. We are trying to strike a balance between over-reacting to fear of the unknown and under-reacting to the seriousness of the threat. At this time we think it prudent to not meet in person as a club for at least a couple of weeks.
We can certainly look at ways to meet online. John Milleker, Jr. is working on holding next week’s digital contest via live-streaming and we are open to doing something similar with programs, though it might not be the programs or with the speakers we have scheduled over the next couple of weeks. If anyone has a topic suggestion that you think might work as a virtual meeting, let the officers know and we will see what we can come up with.