This photo assignment for October is “Board Games or Card Games!”. You have one week left to shoot images for this assignment. This is not an exercise in pulling your best images from your lifelong catalog of photographs. This is a timed assignment. Photos should have been taken in October.

All club members are welcome to participate. You may submit three images. Images should be sized 1024 on the long side and saved as jpg. If you are on a Mac, please put your submissions in a zip file and send the file as an attachment.

Please send up to three submissions sent to by Wednesday, October 28th, 2020.

Then on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, we will discuss all of the submitted images. The discussions are part show and tell for the photographer who submitted the image and part peer constructive criticism from club members. 

For members paid and in good standing, we will select the best of from the night and they will be awarded a certificate at the End of Year awards.