Novice Color Digital

  • 1st Place – Terri Jackson – Sunlit Leaf
  • 2nd Place – Elaine Hambly – Mesmerizing
  • 3rd Place – Doug Wood – Echoes of the Past
  • 4th Place – Julie Bennett – Golden Slices
  • HM – Ed Niehenke – Divergent Line Patterns

Unlimited Color Digital

  • 1st Place – Mike Thomas – Red Green Blue Reflections
  • 2nd Place – Ron Peiffer – Oculus
  • 3rd Place – Ron Peiffer – Morning Over Celery Bay
  • 4th Place – Louis Sapienza – Kayaks
  • HM – Cathy Hockel – Lotus
  • HM – JC Williams – Roadside Wild Flower

Novice Monochrome Digital

  • 1st Place – Jeremey Peiffer – The Stairs
  • 2nd Place – Jeremey Peiffer – The Ds
  • 3rd Place – Terri Jackson – Wooden Trellis
  • 4th Place – Doug Wood – Promenade

Unlimited Monochrome Digital

  • 1st Place – David Joyner – Peobody Patterns
  • 2nd Place – Cathy Hockel – Butterfly
  • 3rd Place – JC Williams – Turkey Buzzard Feathers
  • 4th Place – Fred Venecia – Yanna
  • HM – David Joyner – UMCP Reflections
  • HM – Mike Thomas – Crystal Ball Reflections and Refractions