Arundel Camera Club, Inc.

Elizabeth Gauld (2019)

Featured Photographer – Elizabeth (Betsy) Gauld (2019)

Elizabeth Gauld

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Elizabeth Gauld passed away on February 25. Her memorial service will be at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church on March 16th, Saturday at 11:00 AM. Camera Club members that are interested in attending will be welcome.

Elizabeth Gauld was a longtime member of the Arundel Camera Club dating back to 1976. She was awarded Master of Slides, Color Prints, and Monochrome Prints. In 2014 she was awarded Lifetime Membership. Her husband Godfrey Gauld is also a lifetime member.

Thank you for all your contributions to the club. Rest in Peace.

Elizabeth was interviewed for the “Lens Line” newsletter in 2014. In her memory we are republishing the interview and some of her photographs.

ACC: How long have you been into photography?

EG: My 1st camera for 620 film was not very successful as it stopped focusing at about 8 feet. My 1st SLR camera, a Fugi 801 with a red LED meter was part of equipment required for basic photography class at Anne Arundel Community College. I wore out the transport system in this camera. The class was a great success for me as for the first time my mental vision actually showed up on the film. The camera lens focused down to about 18 inches. The magic of the darkroom was revealed and quickly became addictive to the point that bringing a sleeping cot was suggested.

ACC: What equipment do you shoot with?

EG: Nikon is my preferred equipment most of the time though I also use Minolta because it has lighter weight longer lenses. Godfrey and I have Nikon FM, FM2, F3, and N80 for film along with a D100 and Coolpix S6500 digital. I use Minolta Maxxum 800si and Maxxum 5D when I wish to keep the weight down but wish to use film (infrared) and digital with interchangeable lenses. I also use a Bronica 2¼ and an ancient Orbit 4×5 view camera with a 22 inch bellows and 3 lenses.

ACC: What are your favorite subjects?

EG: It is the light on the subject that interests me the most. Good interesting images can be found every where but I do avoid Weddings and portraits.

ACC: What are your favorite techniques?

EG: Creating special lighting with reflectors or mirrors. Selective focus especially in nature close-ups. Infrared film is always interesting in the middle of the day when lighting is harsh for most photography.

ACC: How long have you been in the Arundel Camera Club?

EG: Found out about the club at the Community College about 1976 and

ACC: What offices have you held in the club?

EG: Offices held include director, program chair, president, and field trip

ACC: What photographers have inspired you?

EG: Galen Rowell for his pre-planning and management of light. Ansel
Adams for his exposure and darkroom techniques.

ACC: How would you describe yourself? Your photography?

EG: There is an unusual image to be found where ever you are. Always
carry a camera or two.

ACC: Noteworthy accomplishments?

EG: It is always nice to have your images purchased. My hand painted black
and white infrared images and black and white prints have been sold through a gallery. Slides were requested and printed in Sail magazine. There is a black and white image on display at the St. Michael’s Maritime Museum. A local student printed her wet cat image in my darkroom over and over until it was a winner in the National Geographic Contest.

ACC: How has your approach to photography changed?

EG: Slowly learning advantages of lighter weight digital cameras with
variable ASA. I am spending less time in the darkroom even though the
results are still better than the digital darkroom. Slides are becoming harder to get processed even though they are a superior learning tool. There is an advantage to seeing the actual result of what the camera saw uncorrected.

Elizabeth Gauld

Elizabeth Gauld passed away on February 25? Her memorial service will be at Our Shepard Lutheran Church on March 16th , Saturday at 11:00 AM. Camera Club members that are interested in attending will be welcome.