When: Saturday August 22nd, 2020 from 12:00 Noon until 4:00pm
Where: Colestock's (Check Email for Address)
What (to bring): Bring your camera, a chair, suntan lotion, a swimsuit and a potluck dish to share!

Update: The club summer picnic for this Saturday is still on, however in order to comply with any state or county regulations on outdoor gatherings, we’ve been forced to insist that if you are coming, you MUST tell us via the linked potluck sign-up sheet that you are coming and how many people you are bringing. This must be done by Wednesday August 19th at 5pm!

While current guidelines are no more than 50 people in an outdoor space, if that changes we can use the list to make sure we are in compliance and in the case of a lower number is presented by the Governor or county executive by then, we can make sure we’re following the guidelines. If this does happen and we’re forced to ‘bump’ a few people, we will send a follow up e-mail ASAP. Sign up early!

If you are unable to bring a potluck this year due to any reason, please still put your name down and the number of guests you are bringing or contact me directly. 

Our Club Summer Potluck Picnic and Pool Party is right around the corner and the Colestock’s have generously offered to host the party again this year!

Because the ability to meet in person at the start of our official meeting in September is still up in the air, we’re accepting club dues at the picnic. Dues are staying the same, $35 for the individual and $15 for each additional family member. Cash or Check is accepted at the party. We’re also going to have a make-up ceremony and hand out ribbons and plaques to our great year-end award winners!

The club will cover hamburgers and brats. If you are attending, please add your name and potluck dish you plan to bring to the Google posted in email. 

Please note: As things are very fluid due to Covid, we will be following all guidelines for Anne Arundel County Maryland and if anything is changed that requires a change to the picnic, we will notify the membership e-mail list immediately. Also, while we want to see everyone there, If you are not feeling well please stay home. If you’re bringing one of the more ‘essential’ potluck items, message or call an officer immediately so that we can fill in for you.

We’re all excited that we can finally get together again and we hope to see you there!