Our next competition will be 2/22/2017. We will host our Digital contests. You may enter three.
The theme this month is Open so anything goes.
Competition rules, which include how to prepare your print entries are also posted on our website http://arundelcameraclub.org/rules-summary/
- Digital –
- Email your digital entries in by Tuesday evening. Remember that the email address to send your digital entries to is contests@arundelcameraclub.org.
- Send your images as email attachments. Mac users need to put their images in a zip file and attach the zip file to the email.
- Resize your images to 1024 pixels on the long side (1024 x ??? or ??? x 1024).
- Files should be named according to the following convention:
- A class identifier, ‘n’ for novice or ‘u’ for unlimited, should prepend the file name and be followed by an underscore.
- The image name should appear next. For multi-word titles, it is helpful to either capitalize the first letter of each word or separate each word with an underscore. Although most mechanisms of uploading/transferring/emailing files handle spaces in titles, this is not universal. If you have problems sending files with space-separated titles, try the methods mentioned above instead.
- An underscore and the owner’s first and last initials should follow the title.
- Finally, make sure the file extension (.jpg) exists.
- Examples: Here are file name samples using the above convention:
- u_BridgeOnTheRiverKwai_cb.jpg
- u_bridge_on_the_river_kwai_cb.jpg
- n_thistitleisveryhardtoread_cb.jpg
- n_some have trouble with this_cb.jpg
- We will send you an email to confirm we have received your images and that they are named and sized appropriately. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact the contest chairman at contests@arundelcameraclub.org.
- If all else fails, you may bring your images to the meeting on a USB drive, but we may not be able to put them into the contest.