Charlie Bowers is Landscape Architect who specializes in residential gardens. Just like he did in film, he has included alternative processes in my digital repertoire. According to Charlie “The digital realm allows me expanded exploration into digital painting, digital texturing and collaging. Additionally, I do emulsion and images transfers and various forms of mixed media. My results are printed or transferred onto canvas, wood, watercolor paper and other media using state of the art archival-pigmented inks.”
His imagery includes people and their relationship to their environment, architecture, landscapes, gardens, flowers and the natural world building extensive collections of work in these and other areas of subject matter over my years of experiences and travel.
His art has appeared in several one-person and numerous group exhibitions over the years, in many local and national and international magazines, commercial publications and newspapers.
His presentation will have three parts
- Brief presentation.
- Slide show of both student’s work and my work during creative imaging and alternative processes.
- A Photoshop demo of the layers in the image files showing how some of the images were produced.
Most recent shows:
- November 2014 my “Faces of Cuba” show consisting of twenty-six images was featured co-solo show at The Artists Gallery in Frederick, MD.
- September 2015, into October, my “Natures Colors Textures Patterns” show will be the featured solo show at the Howard County Conservancy.
- September 2015 the “Faces of Cuba” show will be shown as a solo at the Full Circle Gallery in Baltimore, MD.
Gallery Representation: The Artist Gallery Frederick, MD
You can find many of Charlie’s images on his website at