Featured Photographer – Cathy Hockel (2021)

Icelandic Puffin

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The featured photographer February 2021 is Cathy Hockel. When you look at Cathy’s photographs you will find that she is just as good at birds as she is at flowers, street, travel, etc. In fact she is able to quickly master new genres when she focuses on them.

ACC: How long have you been into photography?

CH: I started becoming interested in photography as a result of a birthday gift from Greg.  We were heading to China for a work related trip of Greg’s and he thought I might like to take some pictures.  He gave me a Nikon D40.  I enjoyed it so much that I really became interested in photography.

ACC: What equipment do you shoot with?

CH: My current equipment is the Nikon D850 along with the Nikon D500.

ACC: What are your favorite subjects?

CH: My favorite subjects, without a doubt won’t come as a surprise to anyone, are birds!  Followed by people – especially when I have the good fortune to travel and do street photography.

ACC: How long have you been in the Arundel Camera Club?

CH: I joined the Arundel Camera Club in around 2013.  Kids were all out of the picture so we were no longer going to their sporting events, etc so I decided to give the club a try.  

ACC: What offices have you held in the club?

CH: I have held the office of program co-chair with Greg for 2 years. 

ACC: What photographers have inspired you?

CH: I have to admit, I don’t have any one photographer that has inspired me.  What inspires me is the ability to combine my love of travel with photography, especially because Greg and I both love doing the same thing so we can plan our trips around awesome photography destinations.

ACC: How has your approach to photography evolved?

CH: My photography has evolved with the help of the club – the speakers, the competitions with the feedback and the support of fellow photographers.  We all have the same rookie mistakes, so it is a process of have enjoyed getting better at.  I would really like to learn more about macro photography and there is always room to learn more about the software aspect of the art.

ACC: Where do you find inspiration or motivation?

CH: Inspiration and motivation is not hard when you get to combine photography with the love of travel.  I have had the good fortune to take some trips dedicated to photography that have been led by some awesome photographers and joined by small groups of people with similar interest.

ACC: Noteworthy accomplishments?

CH: My noteworthy accomplishments include my Camera Club awards.  I was pretty excited to be awarded Novice photographer of the year.  It was an honor to be included in the Alliance gallery show the first year that the competition was hosted.