Please join us on Thursday 16 May at 7:00PM at the Severna Park Baptist Church or on FaceBook Live for a program by JC Williams on Nature Photography. 

How to take and make great photos of nature without leaving your local area: What is nature photography? History of nature photography; Types of nature photography; Safety; Ethics; Why do I like taking photos of nature? My gear (I will bring my gear, set it up and demonstrate how I use it to photograph different types of nature); What types of nature do I photograph and where do I find my subjects. 

JC was raised in the country and loves the outdoors fishing, hunting, and camping. So, the outdoors and nature are a part of him. There is an old saying that says you can take a person out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the person, well I guess that saying fits him perfectly.

After leaving the corporate world (retiring), he began visiting and taking pictures of all types of nature at the local wildlife refuges and local parks. He enjoyed watching the wildlife and observing their behavior. The pictures he took looked ok, but something was missing so he began reading books on the types of nature photography and how to photograph all types of nature. At this point he realized that he knew nothing about his camera or photography, his camera was set to auto, and he never changed it. He took an introduction class to photography at the local community college and his picture taking skills (just documenting what he saw) began to transform into photography skills (composition, lighting, subject matter, emotions and telling a story).  

He joined the Arundel Camera Club in late 2018 and this is when he really began to study and learn photography.  JC’s photo of a great blue heron fishing for dinner won second place in the Chesapeake Bay annual save the bay photo contest for 2021.  

He also received the Arundel Camera Club “Frederick R. Kelley Award” for photographer of the year 2021-2022. 

Several of his photos have received first place in the Arundel Camera Club end of year award.  

Although he has only been taking photos of nature for a short while; his passion for nature photography grows every day. His favorite nature photo remains to be the photo he has not taken yet.  That’s what keeps him on the move and motivated.