On May 23 we will host our business meeting to elect officers, discuss changes to our contest rules, discuss dues, and select themes for next year’s contests.
Elections – For the election, we could really use your help. This is an all-volunteer run club. We have the following positions: president, programs, contests, secretary/treasurer, newsletter editor, field trips, refreshments, members at large, and webmaster. It’s best for program and contests if we have co-chairs. So please consider serving in one of these positions. We will need a new co-chair for programs as well contests. If you would like to serve in one of these positions, email the executive committee officers@arundelcameraclub.org.
Contest Themes – We have established a contest themes committee to brainstorm and discuss themes as well as changes to the themed contests. These will be presented at the business meeting for discussion and vote.
Contest Rules – Per the new by-laws, the contest rules must be reviewed every two years. This is your chance to suggest and discuss changes.
Budget and Dues – Our club treasury will give a report on the club’s financials, assets, liabilities, and we will discuss changes to the dues if necessary.