155th Gettysburg

Join us at the 155th Gettysburg, “A Living History” event at the historic David Stewart Farm. This event is reenactor coordinated with all new historical presentations.

During this three-day event you can:

  • Meet the generals from both armies.
  • Visit the living history camps.
  • Hear civilians tell of their experiences – watch out for soldiers searching for food!
  • See the artillery, infantry and cavalry.
  • Check out the large tent of activities for kids of ALL ages.
  • Watch medical demonstrations.
  • Join us for a Saturday evening camp dance.
  • Attend education and preservation programs in the speakers tent.
  • Visit our Sutlers, food vendors and have your tintype photo taken by the one and only John Milliker!

Spectator admission fee is just $20 per carload and payable at the entrance.

ALL proceeds from this event will be donated to battlefield preservation. Backpacks and coolers are prohibited. All persons entering the event are subject to search for the safety of us all. For further Information: www.cwhi.org.

Michelle Barkdoll will be there all 3 days – if club members get in contact with her prior to coming – she will be able to get them to different photo advantages during the day along with the battle. Email Michelle at fieldtrips@arundelcameraclub.org.