On Saturday February 24, starting at 9:30am club members will converge on Chip Bulgin’s studio in Baltimore where we can shoot table top still life, portraits of each other, models, discuss post processing, and do lighting tutorials.

Address: 3500 Parkdale Ave. Baltimore, MD 21211.

The building is on the right-hand side of the street. It’s an old 3 story brick building that used to be a mill. There is a parking lot just past the building up a concrete ramp that has approximately 10 spaces. There is also parking on the street.

We will be doing studio photography with strobe lighting.We will have have several stations/sets available for photographing both human and still-life type objects. Fred is bringing four models.

Feel free to bring your own lights if you have them. Also feel free to bring stuff and/or people to photograph. You will need a camera with a hot-shoe and a short prime (fixed) or telephoto lens. Something like an 18-55mm, 50mm, 85mm, 18-135mm, and the like should be perfect.

For tabletop club members will bring their cameras and stuff to photograph. Flowers and food are always popular. If you have strobes bring them. Also backdrops and tablecloths can be useful.

If you are attending or have any questions, please send an email to Bob and Susan Webber our field trip chairman at fieldtrips@arundelcameraclub.org.