Expense Reimbursement Form
Some of you know that we started using an Expense Reimbursement Form a few years back. Some of you have either not submitted expenses, or I filled out the form for you. During the book review process, I received a few casual suggestions to make the form more user friendly. Please note that as part of my quest to bring the Club’s financial records up to proper bookkeeping standards, anyone requesting an expense reimbursement must fill out the form and present it with receipts before a check will be authorized.
- Must I fill it out? Yes, you must fill it out, and you must include receipts (email receipts work if that’s what you have.)
- Why can’t I just hand you receipts? It may not look it to you, but there is information on the form that I need to properly book the expense. This is information the last two Review Committees have requested when reviewing expenses. I can’t hand over what I don’t have.
- Can I put more than one expense on the form? Sure. Just be clear in your writing. For example: Cookie/Coffee receipts can be submitted on a monthly basis, not every week, if you wish. Or the Web address payment can be on the same report as the year end trophy order. Just remember to itemize each receipt.
- How often can I submit for expenses? As often as you have them, but please try to submit a month’s expenses by the first meeting of the following month, don’t hold them till the end of the year. It makes my job easier, and I am a volunteer, too.
Please contact the Treasurer if you have any further questions by clicking sec-treas@arundelcameraclub.org.